About Us

True Blue Signs raising funds for the Queensland Cancer Councils efforts in cancer research.

True Blue Signs has been established to raise funding for the Queensland Cancer Councils efforts in cancer research.


TRUE BLUE SIGNS has been established to raise funding for the Queensland Cancer Council efforts in cancer research. The project gives business and organizations a tool to not only donate but is constantly recognized by the public for their role in finding answers to this disease which affects its community.

 In 2010 I meet a woman at a music festival called Mud Bulls and Music called Kerry Lumsden.

 Over time we developed a close friendship, travelling between Caboolture and Wondai to spend time together. In April 2013 Kerry was diagnosed with cancer, along which in November the same year her 9-year-old son Kybie was diagnosed with a large brain tumour.

 One night at home I was thinking of a young woman who died of cancer which attends the same school as me and about the effect it must have had on her family which I viewed to be very close, humble and decent.

 This family attended the New Horizons Church which had a billboard located on our family farm which we had never charged a rent for the site.

On this one night thought leads to another and I wondered what I could do to help families that have gone through the devastating impacts of Cancer and try to feel like I was doing more for Kerry and Kybie, even though we were 3 hours apart and had limited time to spend together.

The idea of making a donation towards cancer research for rent on the site of the billboard came to mind and True Blue Signs was born.

~ how you can help ~

You can help be part of this wonderful project and help us raise money for cancer research.

Rent a Billboard

Want to advertise your business to thousands of potential customers with a Prominently Placed billboard and support finding a cure for cancer at the same time.

Support the Cancer Council and Advertise your business with the Help of True Blue Signs.

be a supporter

You can still take part in the True Blue Signs project, without needing to rent out a billboard. Become a valued True Blue Supporter and show your customers you care.

Supporters receive a Supporters Number Plate and Supporters Kit to display.

spare some space

Do you have a property that could potenitally house a True Blue Sign? We are constantly on the lookout for billboard spaces.

Property owners and Private Billboard owners can be paid for the use of the space or can donate this back to finding a cure for cancer.

can you help

Everyone at the True Blue Signs project voulenteer their time and expertise. Do you have any special talents that could assist with the project?

You can support us by advertising, displaying a poster or by getting onboard with events held.

Get In Touch

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